Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Different Swings for Different Clubs

Interestingly, I have developed 3 different swings for different clubs.

I used to use the tour-tempo swing (swing-set-through), but about a month ago, I found a tip in Oct 2013 issue of Golf Magazine. That is to hinge early in the backswing, maybe at 3/4 position, and then continue to rotate shoulders until back faces target. From there, it would be easier to hold the angle during downswing and delay the release until impact.
Even though I would start backswing slowly, with this new method, I could reach swing speed to about 95 mph, and gained about 10~15 yards.

Fairway woods and hybrid:
This is still the same swing as previously developed: more upright position for club shaft at 3/4 swing check point, then just lift it up from there to full back swing position. At downswing, remember to extend the target line well after impact.

Since I occasionally would still shank (during 3 or 4 rounds in Sept~Oct, usually 3 or 4 holes,  up to 6 or 7 holes at worst), I found I have to be 100% relaxed at address, feel absolutely 100% tension free for the entire body, legs, loose hands, arms, shoulders, before starting backswing. Then just extend arms during backswing, lift up to proper upright position, and then remember to extend the target line well after impact. (On Oct. 9, had a shank-free round at Crooked Tree. On Oct. 13, had a couple of shanks at some early holes, then got rid of it later in the round  at Green Crest.)

For short irons set-up, maybe butt out a little more such that hands are closer to body. Then the same swing as Fairway Woods: more upright position for club shaft at 3/4 swing check point, then just lift it up from there to full back swing position. At downswing, remember to extend the target line well after impact. 

1 comment:

fuzzify said...

Some notes for improved driver distance: driven to somewhere that had never been reached before.

20 yards past 150 yard white stick at Glendale West Hole 5 (from forward white tee, about 370 yard);
A couple of yards from Green at West Hole 6 (from forward white tee, about 285 yard downhill);
rough near 150 yard white stick at West Hole 9 par 5 (from forward white tee, about 405 yard uphill)