Friday, May 17, 2013

2013 Golf Season Notes

2013 golf season started a little late, at the end of March. So far I have played about 8 or 9 rounds. The first round was at Crooked Tree, and it was terrible, with almost every part of my game in a bad shape. If I recorded my score correctly, it would be around 100...

The next weekend at Glenview was pretty good, amazingly in low 80s. Every part of game seemed to be back to normal, except that I kept pulling fairway woods. Then a week later, it was in low 90s again.

So far, I had about 2 good rounds in low 80s, 3 bad ones in 90s, and others in between. The problem is inconsistency: pull for fairway woods and irons, and sometimes fat shots or off-center hit of irons.

While trying to fix these problems, I found my driver was relatively more consistent than other clubs. Why is that? Driver used to be the most difficult club for me... The reason is that I have applied "tour tempo golf" only to driver, but not to other clubs yet, thinking that I need distance more than accuracy for driver, but for other clubs, I need accuracy more than distance. This is probably a miss. Maybe I should apply it to all clubs.

With this idea in mind, I tried it out at the range (Crooked Tree), and it seems to be working. Another tip to myself, extend the arms, and a little more upright backswing.

Will test it out in a round at Glenview tomorrow...

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