Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tour Tempo Golf

I am determined to increase swing speed, so I bought a swing speed radar in early April. At the same time I found a book on Amazon called "Tour Tempo Golf", which claims the last secret of golf revealed: all tour players spend 0.9 to 1.2 second from takeaway to impact, and the ratio of the time from takeaway to the top to the time from the top to impact is 3:1 (or 21:7 video frames, or 24:8, 27:9).

I knew my swing is pretty slow, with nice and easy takeaway always in mind. After I videotaped my own swing, it is still a surprise to find out my own ratio is about 70:15, and the swing speed is at most 80 mph. After I deliberately sped up my swing, the ratio is now improved to about 42:14. The swing speed for driver can reach 91 mph now. There is still room to improve, and I hope I will get to 30:10, and upper 90s mph.

I tried my new faster swing at the driving range. Almost immediately I hit some significant longer drives. Except for some occasional shots pushed to left, most shots were pretty straight.

This was also successfully carried over to golf courses. Shot 85 at Blue Ash for the first time to complete 18 holes there (previously play front-9 only once).

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